Novel Writing …. Let’s Continue

August 22, 2024 Off By TATUBBER

Back in 2014 I starting writing a novel series and it was quite the experience. I wrote and self-published the first book in the series titled Surviving Population X – The Early Days. This book is based in Indiana and tells the stories of 2 separate groups of people and how they survived the early days of a zombie apocalypse.

This book is still available on several websites and has sold more than 200 copies worldwide. I remember selling my first copy and the feeling it gave me inside to have written a book and someone bought it to read. This was an accomplishment that I never thought I achieve.

During 2015 I wanted to add more to the series and started writing again.

I finished another book in the series Surviving Population X – Her Biggest Fear – Undisclosed Stories Volume 1. This book was written as a side story to introduce new characters into the main story-line for book two. I never published this book in the series.

I started a book Surviving Population X – When The Music Stops – Undisclosed Stories volume 2. There are a few characters in the book The Early Days that I felt deserved to have their story told, show things from their perspective during the early days. I only have a couple chapters written so not much has been done on this story.

I started the book Surviving Population X – When The Castle Falls – Undisclosed Stories Volume 3. This book only has a few chapters written and tells the stories of some characters I want to ad to the main story-line in the future. I wanted to write the story of these characters before adding them in so I have an understanding of who they are and their personalities. I haven’t decided if these characters are friend or foe to the main story-line characters.

In 2016 I started to look back on the story and try and come up with the next book in the series. I did come up with a great idea later on in the series and started writing a book titled Surviving Population X – The Story of Seven. This book is way later in the story and I have thoughts and ideas to form this book and how it ties into the main story-line but this story is years away from the current events taking place in the series.

I came back for a little while in 2020 to reread over my stories i have written to maybe start writing again and it dawned on me that my story takes place in 2020 and I was no longer writing about a “future scenario” and became discouraged and put my files away again.

Yesterday I did a lot of work on this website to add a store to the site and one suggested product was an e-book. I thought to myself “I have e-books, why not sell them”. With that in mind I dug around my things, pulled out my backup hard drive and started rediscovering what I started 10 years ago.

I’ve added a new section to this website where I will discuss these books and the progress I make as I continue the Surviving Population X series. You will be able to purchase these books from my store in the near future.

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